The whole concept of "Leading at home, winning at life" may seem ideal to many people, but it doesn't happen overnight. It comes with making big decisions that will impact the way you live and lead.
We believe that with a God-focused mindset, everything else will fall into place.
With God at #1... marriages thrive, parenthood produces fruit, and God expresses favor over your career. If done in the opposite order, many people will find that filling their career bucket first will lead to much unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
Today, we bring you the 5 Actionable Ways to Help You Lead At Home And Win At Life.
Leading at home will help you...
1: Rethink your priorities
At the beginning of 2017, I went on The Millennial Leadership Show, and made a promise to my listeners that I would read one book per week for a whole year. That's a whopping total of 52 books! As soon as the show ended, I cringed.
How in the world am I going to do...